Thursday, April 9, 2009

Social Experiment aka My Facebook Spams my E-mail

I signed up for Twitter a couple weeks ago. It's a cool little toy that many more people are joining (much like blogs) on the interwebs, and I realized it automatically updates my Facebook status as well, which people actually use and follow (Hey, Twitter hasn't taken off with my friends yet.) So, yesterday I updated my Twitter (nstick13, btw) to read "Jesus was a Communist" and, essentially, let the poop hit the fan. Over 10 replies in under twenty minutes made me think I deserve a radio show. Today we added the idea that Jesus does in fact love homosexuals (props to The News for his assistance in that).

I've been informed by sources that must remain anonymous that on occasion I say things that some may consider entertaining, and on other occasions things that some may consider "mind-blowing" or "intelligent" or "coherent" which usually is doing pretty well for the Midwest. For example, this nugget comes from watching the basketball game the other night. I decided, appropriately, that Tyler Hansborough (who cannot physically close his mouth) in fact speaks in the language of turtles. Some thought cavemen, but studies have shown it's in fact turtle. Also, in discussing the ridiculously fast Ty Lawson, I was the only one to acknowledge the striking similarities he has to a cheetah in regards to his speed and the fact he plays basketball. For both of these incredible nuggets of wisdom and nonsense, I thank Sam Adams and their White Ale.

Today's nugget is brought to you by Evergreen Solar, in whom I have $50 invested. If suddenly each share is worth $100, I will have made myself a nice little profit. And, if I start having sponsors of nuggets now, perhaps I can make some real money off of it if I legitimately get a following. Anyways, you all are able to now walk away knowing that the word "b*tch" can have its negative impact lessened by adding an "o" making it "b*otch". Sorry, I don't like potty words. I blame my girlfriend.

Spread this blog like a wild fire in southern California, but one that is not near any residential areas because that is tragic.

1 comment:

  1. The title of your blog indicates that you will be posting on a daily basis. I simply cannot believe you will keep this up. Maybe it should be changed to the "Biweekly Stick". This would work well because it is a fairly ambiguous adjective. Does it mean twice a week or once every two weeks?
